Swiss association for search and rescue dogs

Every year 3000 people go missing in Switzerland. They either lost their orientation during a walk, or suffer from dementia, or were hit by health problems during a trip to the mountains. Suddenly, they find themselves in a life-threatening situation in which their survival depends only on the action of rescue dogs. Even in case of earthquakes or explosion blowing a house off, the dogs’ noses are still the most reliable location device.

The Swiss Association for Search and Rescue Dogs (REDOG) has created the Catastrophe Dog Unit and the Search Dog on Site Unit, which trains teams of rescue dogs and mantrailing. REDOG is a Rescue Organization of the Swiss Red Cross. As member of the Rescue Chain, REDOG is an organization recognized by the Swiss Federal Department of Development and Cooperation (DDC) and known for its operating experience in humanitarian interventions during catastrophes.

Our units can be contacted 24/7 at the emergency contact number 0844 441 144. The search is free of charge for the relatives of the missing person.