The Foundation
The Robmar Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to provide guidance and support for projects that have at their nucleus the Human-Animal bond, namely the unique relationship between humans and animals existing since the dawn of civilization.
The Human-Animal bond is the dynamic relationship between people and animals, where each can influence the psychological and physiological state of the other. Human-animal interaction can have a profound and positive influence on people, in particular of the sick or the disabled.
The Foundation initiates and supports projects that train animals to benefit people who are sick, disabled or injured. While the relationship between humans and animals is an expanding field of study, the projects on which Robmar has focused its attention can be grouped into three principal areas: Assistance Projects, Research Projects and Therapy Projects.
Robmar is also eager to promote general public awareness of developments to the Human-Animal bond. Specifically designed to be flexible and unrestricted by geographical constraints, Robmar aims at providing a connection point between projects around the globe sharing the passion and enthusiasm to develop the benefits flowing from the unique bond that exists between humans and animals